Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Doing Well

Received an update today that our son’s lip is healing and he is doing well after the tooth extraction. Praying we get to meet him soon to let him know he will never have to go through something like this alone again.

Please keep praying!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Prayers Please

No new updates on the process itself, but we are requesting prayer for our little guy. Jonathan received a phone call today that he had fallen while playing and had hurt his bottom lip and 2 bottom teeth. AWAA was requesting our permission to take him to the dentist to have those teeth pulled.

Poor little guy needs his mama. Prayers are appreciated!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Fun Stuff

Preparations are underway!

The old guest room is now blue, the loft bed is being made and a few clothes have been bought. Now we just need someone here to use all this stuff : )

Saturday, July 12, 2014


After all the excitement of the past few days, we had another great day (planned since May or early June). We went to our favorite Ethiopian restaurant in Indy, but this time we met a family that adopted one of Annaliese's closest friends while at the TH. What a special day to reunite these two girls!!



Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pure Joy

A glimpse at Annaliese’s first response to having a big brother : )
(frame saved from a video taping of our conversation)


We received a referral for a little boy today!! He is 8 years old.

We are not allowed to post pictures or share much information yet, but he is a handsome young man and appears to be well cared for overall.

We will officially except the referral within the week and then wait for a court date. We will keep you posted…

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Family Pictures

Enjoyed an evening out with friends who took our picture.

Oh dear…she has some "crazy" from daddy and some from mommy!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Annaliese's Bracelet Fundraiser

So, just when we thought we had finished launching any new fundraisers, our sweet daughter came up with this idea : )

Her cousins, Josh & Caleb, and one of their friends, Victoria, did this for us several months ago. She has now learned how to make them and has decided that she wants to make and sell them to help us buy plane tickets!

We are so proud of her for thinking of this idea on her own. Any takers to help make this a success for Annaliese??

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Camping Trip

Just returned home from our first campout this year! This was the first weekend we had available and we were blessed with gorgeous weather!!


We visited Lincoln's New Salem while in Springfield...


Only she can make a coon skin hat look cute!

Tired from the weekend!